Overview of the proposed Wafy PG Campus


  • Administrative Block
  • Masjid
  • Academic Block with different departments
  • Digitalized Multi lingual library
  • Research Centre
  • Audio Visual theater
  • Live E-Classroom
  • Hostel with Individual Cubicle facility
  • Auditorium
  • Hygienic Canteen
  • Play grounds
  • Complete Wi-Fi coverage 

Total Estimated Cost : 39,73,54,661 INR

Wafiyya (Girls) Block
  • A learning space housing space together, the waffiya block occupies three floors.
  • It is a dynamic, energy charged area where learning happens and ideas are exchanged.
  • Broken up into lecture theatres, faculty rooms, computer lab, break out spaces.
  • These floors are planned to encourage interactions, exchange of ideas and brain storming sessions 

Total Area
Approx. Rate/Sq.ft
1600 INR
7,58,58,880 INR
Hostel Block
  • Each hostel block has intake of 350 students
  • Exclusive un interrupted study room for students after college hours
  • Mineral water provided to all the floors 
Total area
1600 INR
7,68,00,000 INR

Total area
1400 INR
94,58,234 INR
Academic Block-1
Academic Block-1
  • A learning space, the academic block occupies three floors.
  • It is a dynamic, energy charged area where learning happens and ideas are exchanged.
  • Broken up into lecture theatres, faculty rooms, computer lab, break out spaces.
  • These floors are planned to encourage interactions, exchange of ideas and brain storming sessions. 

Academic Block 2

  • A learning space, the academic block occupies three floors.
  • It is a dynamic, energy charged area where learning happens and ideas are exchanged.
  • Broken up into lecture theatres, faculty rooms, computer lab, break out spaces.
  • These floors are planned to encourage interactions, exchange of ideas and brain storming sessions. 

Total area
42,729.47 sqft
1600 INR
6,83,67,152 INR
Canteen Block
  • The fitted kitchen and serving area provides hygienic opportunities to serve both hot and cold food
  • A large mess hall of capacity of 500 members to enable all students and staff to dine at the same time

Total area
900 INR
78,19,443 INR
A/C Conference Hall & Library
  • A/C conference hall of 3950 sq.ft with 330 seating capacity
  • Conference hall is equipped with latest teaching aids like lcd projector, slide projector and over head projector
  • Conference hall for conducting guest lectures, symposiums, seminars, placement training programs etc.
  • Educational cassettes are also projected in these theatres in consultation with subject staff.
  • Library  & reading room of 7300 sq.ft
  • Library operations are computerized using an integrated library automation system. the system allows for speedy and convenient access to the library's catalogue both directly from the library and remotely through the internet.
  • To introduce and familiarize new users to the available resources, services and facilities, training programmers are conducted by the library.

Total area
11,621.34  sq.ft
1600 INR
1,85,94,144 INR